

Logdate 1 6

I think the real people I hate are people like me. And especially me, maybe I misjudged humanity and society…. The real people that I dislike, I think, are the people who traumatized me on the internet.

Yes, the internet provides valuable knowledge. Yes, the internet provides entertainment. But when I made Logdate 1 5, I didn’t take any of this into account. I just needed to vent my frustrations.

The real people that I hate… are people like me, which makes me a hypocrite. Thus, I hate myself too…

I regret making this blog… I regret being born…. Why do I regret being born you ask? Simple. I am a hypocrite. I am inferior. I am not worthy of even being the lowest life form on Earth. I am just as bad, evil, bitter, etc. as the people who traumatized me. And only after I see them from a different perspective, do I see how hypocritical I was.

Maybe that therapist was right after all… maybe I really am a spoiled brat…

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