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Emptiness… it all feels… empty… I don’t feel alone… I don’t feel undeserving of love… it’s something… different.

I don’t know how to describe it. I just hope that you can understand how I feel.

It’s just… so hard to explain… it’s like I am feeling the void, staring at the void… and thus, the void stares back…

It feels unreal. How and why do I feel this strange sensation/feeling?

I guess the best word to describe it would be… “Abyssal”. As though you’re staring into the Abyss, waiting for answers to your questions.

Hmmm… this feels strange… I’m neither angry, nor sad, nor anything. Just… a hole in my heart/soul.

I don’t feel despair anymore, heck I’m not even confused about life and myself…

Everything… it all falls into place. I know it. I… feel it.

It’s all coming together.

This feels… wonderful…

If this is nothingness, then I accept it wholeheartedly. But I know it isn’t… or… I don’t know… or do I…?

It all just feels so wonderful! So jolly! But… it feels… as though it is not jolliness, but something else entirely…

This “void,” this “Abyss” feels awesome. I feel so relaxed… you have no idea

I want this to last forever. It’s like the Universe has a Soul itself…

It’s… it is… perfection… the embodiment of perfection.

I can’t wait to discover more of this “Abyss” or void or whatever it is.


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